Squared Solutions
2160 Foxhunter
Winston-Salem, NC
27106 USA
(336) 924-0777
The world of computers is incredibly confusing, even to those who follow it closely. It is a world where you get more power, for less money, every time you look. Trying to understand the changes, and how they apply to you, is a daunting task. My goal is to help people and businesses use computer and internet technology to meet their needs at a reasonable cost.
I have been involved with computers since 1968 and have made it both my business and my hobby to try and understand how they work, (and sometimes how they don't,) and how they can be put to use.
My primary focus these days is twofold, first is the development of applications for the PalmOS environment, both commercial and custom. The second focus is to help people to establish a presence in cyberspace.
Services: Palm Programming Web Development Forth Other
About Me (Experience and Benefits to you)
Links of Interest
Feel free to contact me by E Mail Or My Personal Site
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